Use Them Or Lose Them: Putting The Employee Experience At The Center Of Your Innovation Program

Employees are seeking more meaning and purpose in their work. This is an opportunity for us as innovators to embed employee experience in our innovation initiatives, connecting meaning and purpose to the day-to-day work employees do. And not just because doing so is likely to help engage and retain valuable team members. Putting employee experience at the center of innovation initiatives can produce better design ideas, improve the outcome of your projects, and increase efficiencies in your development.
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How to Accelerate Post-COVID Innovation
In this episode, I go over the 5 C's of Work Redesign -- the five things you should focus on to increase your pace of acceleration as the pandemic dies down. Assess yourself on the 5 C's here:
The Best Morning Routines for Innovators
In this episode, I talk about my morning routine, and how innovation leaders can build a morning routine to help them be their best, most creative selves.
Build Your Influence As an Innovation Leader
In this episode, I talk about how innovation leaders can become better influencers within their organizations.
Build Your Game Plan For What’s Next in Tech
This week I'm talking about my top three tech trends and predictions for 2022 and how you can quickly translate them into real business impact for your team. Topics covered include: Shift From Digital Transformation To Human Transformation, and Adoption Of Low-Code As A Management Discipline, Automating Intelligent Processes In The Metaverse
Don’t Let Collaboration Tools Derail Your Design Sprints
Collaboration tools are essential for remote design thinking sessions. But they can be just as much of an obstacle as they can help. The most important tool in your design thinking toolbox is you! Here are some tips for how to upgrade your facilitator operating system.
Boost Your Energy With The Right Innovation Playlist
Over the years I’ve experimented with different ways to manage and shift my own energy when I need to get my mind into a creative state. My favorite is to listen to a specially curated playlist designed to get me loose and into the right mindset for thinking creatively. Today I'm sharing some of the songs from my playlist FastForward Life with you.
Unlock These High Performance Habits To Level Up As An Innovation Leader
The habits of clarity, courage, and influence are essential for your success as an innovation leader. You can master facilitating design sprints and leading digital transformations without these habits, but you’ll see inconsistent results. These three habits are the bedrock you need to deliver high performance innovation.
Use Them Or Lose Them: Putting The Employee Experience At The Center Of Your Innovation Program
Employees are seeking more meaning and purpose in their work. This is an opportunity for us as innovators to embed employee experience in our innovation initiatives, connecting meaning and purpose to the day-to-day work employees do. And not just because doing so is likely to help engage and retain valuable team members. Putting employee experience at the center of innovation initiatives can produce better design ideas, improve the outcome of your projects, and increase efficiencies in your development.
Your New Superpower? Letting Go Of Control Over Design Sprints
One of the most powerful tools in the Innovation Leaders’ quiver is the design sprint. Design sprints are compressed agile development cycles (quite typically a few days or weeks) in which stakeholders identify problems, then rapidly brainstorm and build out prototype solutions in order to validate ideas before investing heavily into developing them. Embrace letting go of control over your design sprints to discover your new superpower as an Innovation facilitator.
Develop Your Visualization Skills To Conquer Uncertain Times
With persisting talk of inflation and recession, many of our colleagues and clients are anticipating a slowdown period in which innovation takes a back seat to cost-cutting and downsizing. These pullbacks may test the nerve of many innovation leaders, but I’m here to tell you: there has never been a better time to lean into the challenges ahead. Listen now to learn the three steps you can take to prepare.
High Performance x Innovation = Consistent Results
As part of our Performance Innovation Accelerator Coaching Program, our team has defined and cataloged the conditions that need to be in place to drive consistent innovation results and outcomes. With a looming recession requiring innovation leaders to make a strong case for a departmental investment, I believe now is the perfect time to share some of our learnings.
30 Days of Innovation Highlights
Summary of 30 Days of Innovation Challenge and Innovation Leadership Program
Prioritize These 5 Capabilities To Drive Innovation Excellence
What are the five key distinctions I see that separate the best from the rest? The most effective innovators are partnering and co-innovating with stakeholders. The key to effective innovation leadership is acquiring the skills necessary to partner very closely with the stakeholders in your organization and co-own getting to those outcomes you wish to achieve. After reading CEO Excellence, written by senior partners at McKinsey, it made me think about the key capabilities that differentiate mediocre innovation leaders from those innovation leaders who are knocking it out of the ballpark.
How to Combine Design Thinking and Systems Thinking
In this episode, I tell you about my move to order to explain why the combination of design thinking and systems thinking is so powerful. Combining systems thinking with design thinking will help you tackle tough challenges.
3 Innovation Leadership Lessons Learned from My Dad
I had a chance over the summer to spend a lot of time with my dad. I learned that he wasn't doing well, we found out that he had cancer. Knowing that he was sick really prompted me to start spending much more time with him and just asking him a lot of questions. My conversations with my dad led me to learn three big innovation leadership lessons. I want to share these lessons with you as the foundation of how to continue leveling up as an innovation leader.
Break Through These Low Code Barriers To Speed Innovation
One of the top challenges business leaders face when trying to accelerate digital transformation is expanding low code adoption throughout their enterprise. Large scale implementation is a powerful way to get more people involved with digital transformation and supercharge your innovation programs company-wide. However, some of the biggest obstacles business leaders face stem from misconceptions about what low code is and how it should be implemented. In fact, many of the notions that make people hesitant to roll out low code programs are just plain wrong.
Learn These Mental Toughness Routines To Avoid Innovation Fatigue
As innovation leaders, we live in a space of “comfortable discomfort.” It is routine for us to be in a constant state of failure, which is how we refine and move forward through the innovation process. It is part of the job, but let's not discount the toll this can take on our minds. One of the most important skills we can acquire to avoid this innovation fatigue and personal burnout is mental toughness. In the context of creativity and innovation leadership, mental toughness is the habit of following through on ideas even when it's hard.